Pebble or Gem?
By Christine EmmickI decided to let go of what I needed my parents to be
And accept them for who they are
This lets go of the anger
And disappointment
This acceptance forgives them
And shakes off the rejection
Of being a pebble tossed aside
When they did not accept me as I was
I expected them to fulfill a role that they are still
To this very day,
Not prepared for,
And that expectation brought nothing but grief
Still, God is with me
Holding my hand, embracing my soul
Carrying me through the dark and scary night
Into His glorious light of day
Even if I am rejected by everyone,
Including the ones who gave me birth,
I am a beloved daughter of the most high God.
I am a gem He pursued
So that my relationships with my husband
And my daughters,
And others,
Would be whole instead of broken.
He fills every need this little girl has,
Through relationship with Himself,
And those that He brings unto me,
I am healed and whole because of His sacrifice.
It is the sacrifice that every equipped and loving parent makes for their children
It is the sacrifice of self for the gleam in the eye of your child
It is the late nights,
the lost sleep,
the doctor's visits,
the school plays,
the boo boo kisses,
the flowers just because,
the interruptions received with joy,
and most of all,
It is the desire to see our children know what true joy is
And experience the reflection of that joy in their face
And in their lives.
Surely that joy will be passed down to their children
And grand children,
Because it was easy for them to love
When they were shown what a precious gem they are
Copyright 2017 - Christine Emmick
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